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We wanted to give you another update on ATM/Debit card processing.  Our processor (FIS) is working diligently to get ALL transactions posted and up to date by tomorrow since it is the end of the month.   You still may have some transactions pending (debits and/or credits) and hopefully those will be posted to your accounts very soon.  The patience you all have shown during this situation has been above and beyond what could have been expected, and we greatly thank you for that!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We apologize for the inconvenience and will keep you updated as the information is forwarded to us.  


Charleston Federal Credit Union has as its mission the responsibility for providing an efficient, effective, and well-managed financial institution that meets the needs of its membership. In order to accomplish this mission, the Charleston Federal Credit Union will continue a sound yet progressive asset management strategy and provide new and improved financial services to current and future members through membership input and management initiatives.
About Credit Union


Now is a great time to buy that new car you’ve been wanting. New car rates as low as 4.25% for 5 years or 5.25% for 8 years for loans with automatic payments.

Give us a call if you want more information.

Info on Accounts

Office Hours

Main Office

Monday—Friday 9:00am—4:00pm

300 Virginia Street East, Room 4203
Charleston, WV 25301

Call Us at: (304) 347– 3393

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