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Charleston Federal Credit Union has as its mission the responsibility for providing an efficient, effective, and well-managed financial institution that meets the needs of its membership. In order to accomplish this mission, the Charleston Federal Credit Union will continue a sound yet progressive asset management strategy and provide new and improved financial services to current and future members through membership input and management initiatives.
About Credit Union


Now is a great time to buy that new car you’ve been wanting. New car rates as low as 3.25% for 5 years or 4.75% for 7 years for loans with automatic payments. We are also offering a TransUnion credit score discount where you can get an even lower rate based on the credit score of the primary borrower!!!

Give us a call if you want more information.

Info on Accounts

Office Hours

Main Office

Monday—Friday 9:00am—4:00pm

300 Virginia Street East, Room 4203
Charleston, WV 25301

Call Us at: (304) 347– 3393

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Loan Calculator

mortgage payment calculator